Jessie & The Gumboot Kids CC HD DV C - Series 2 - Eps 5 - Swim Upstream (Salmon)

Jessie & The Gumboot Kids CC HD DV C  - Series 2 - Eps 5 - Swim Upstream (Salmon)

Scout & The Gumboot Kids CC HD DV C - Series 2 - Eps 10 - The Case of the Purple Fingertips

Friday, 10:52 AM

The Gumboot Kids discover that some of nature's food leaves a mark on us.



Enjoy the beautiful fall scenery, as we watch salmon swim upstream to spawn, as Jessie Farrell sings about salmon with the Gumboot Kids.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
CBC Friday, 10:50 AM Jessie & The Gumboot Kids CC HD DV C - Series 2 - Eps 5 - Swim Upstream (Salmon)



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