Unicorn Academy CC HD DV C - 1-06 - The Vision Pool

Unicorn Academy CC HD DV C  - 1-06 - The Vision Pool

Dino Ranch CC HD DV C - 3-20 Good Ol' Goliath / Quack's Nest of Friends

Saturday, 06:22 AM

When Clover sabotages the Rumbler so his tired ol’ grandpa Goliath will have to get into the dino-action, he comes to realize wisdom is often better than physical strength. / When Min and Jane happen upon some abandoned parasaur eggs, Quack tries to tell them that the dino parents aren’t gone – but are nearby and in trouble.

Dino Ranch CC HD DV C - 3-20 Good Ol' Goliath / Quack's Nest of Friends


Sophia breaks her friendship pact with Ava when she ventures to the Vision Pool alone, hoping to catch a glimpse of her father.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
CBC Saturday, 06:00 AM Unicorn Academy CC HD DV C - 1-06 - The Vision Pool



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