Once Upon a Prince


Once Upon a Prince

One Perfect Wedding

jueves, 17:00

With help from their best friends, a happy couple plan the perfect wedding at the same place where their romance began.

One Perfect Wedding


Susanna accepts help one day from Nate at her parents' store in Georgia. Sparks between them fly, but when a photo of them gets leaked to the press, Susanna is in for the shock of her life when Nate is called back home for his coronation as a king.

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Hallmark Channel jueves, 15:00 Once Upon a Prince



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Hallmark Channel

Hallmark Channel
United States

Hallmark Channel, owned by Hallmark Cards, Inc., is Crown Media Family Networks’ flagship 24-hour cable television network. As the country’s leading destination for quality, feel-good entertainment, Hallmark Channel delivers on the 100-year legacy of the Hallmark brand. The network’s lineup of signature original content includes movies, primetime scripted series, and specials. Dedicated to helping viewers celebrate holidays, seasons, and life’s special moments, Hallmark Channel is home to a host of annual programming events, including the highly successful Countdown to Christmas, which has become a pop culture phenomenon and a beloved holiday tradition for millions of viewers. Rounding out the network’s slate are some of television’s most classic comedies and series, including The Golden Girls, Frasier, and Reba.