Girl Meets Farm

Swedish Send-Off, E8S13

Girl Meets Farm

Girl Meets Farm

samedi, 09H30

Molly Yeh invites her sister-in-law and her baby Cliff over for a playdate with Bernie; Molly makes homemade granola bar treats, juicy falafel-spiced turkey burgers, grilled corn salad with a creamy avocado ranch and refreshing carrot apple juice.

Girl Meets Farm


Molly Yeh whips up a smorgasbord of delightful Swedish-inspired foods, like sweet rose semlor buns, savory Swedish meatballs and a big green salad with tiny Hasselback potatoes and horseradish dressing; she stacks up a Smorgastarta sandwich cake.

Programme TV

Chaîne Durée Titre
Food Network samedi, 09H00 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network samedi, 09H30 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network dimanche, 08H00 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network dimanche, 08H30 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network lundi, 08H00 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network lundi, 08H30 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network lundi, 09H00 Girl Meets Farm
Food Network lundi, 09H30 Girl Meets Farm


Télé Chaîne

Food Network

Food Network
United States

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