Guia de TV: Arirang TV, Equador


00:00  Premium Collection 00:30  Premium Collection 01:00  Radio' Clock 02:00  After School Club 03:00  K-Now 03:10  K-People 03:20  K-Food 03:30  K-Movie 03:40  K-Stage 03:50  K-Chat: Conversing in Korean 04:00  Weekly News Highlights 04:30  The Roundtable 05:00  Travel Agency 2 05:30  Extreme Job 06:00  Premium Collection 06:30  Premium Collection 07:00  SmartBiz Accelerators 07:30  We Are Diplomats (K) 08:00  Travel Track: Travel 08:30  Travel Track: Busking 09:00  K-Food 09:10  K-Food 09:20  K-Food 09:30  Foodie on Motorbike 10:00  The Roundtable 10:30  Bravo K-Scientist 11:00  Premium Collection 11:30  Premium Collection 12:00  Travel Diary 12:30  Islands to Love 13:00  Premium Collection 13:30  Premium Collection 14:00  Weekly News Highlights 14:30  The Roundtable 15:00  SmartBiz Accelerators
15:30  K-Stage 'Pan' 16:00  Home Explorers 16:30  The Globalists 17:00  Travel Diary 17:30  K-Now 17:40  Korea Travelogue 4 18:00  Premium Collection 18:30  The Grand Heritage ASMR 19:00  New Day at Arirang 19:30  News Generation 20:00  Tripstargram 20:30  K-Now 20:40  K-Chat: Conversing in Korean 21:00  Playlist Up: Feel Like 11

00:30  SMEs on the Rise 01:00  Radio' Clock 02:00  Simply K-Pop Con-Tour 03:00  Premium Collection 03:30  Arirang Special 04:00  Weekly News Highlights 04:30  Premium Collection 05:00  After School Club 06:00  I'm Live 06:30  Travel Diary 07:00  We Are Diplomats (K) 07:30  Arirang Special 08:00  Simply K-Pop Con-Tour 09:00  Bravo K-Scientist 09:30  Weekly News Highlights 10:00  Premium Collection 10:30  Premium Collection 11:00  Extreme Job 11:30  I'm Live 12:00  Travel Diary 12:30  Weekly News Highlights 13:00  K-Now 13:10  K-People 13:20  K-Food 13:30  K-Movie 13:40  K-Stage 13:50  K-Chat: Conversing in Korean 14:00  We Are Diplomats 14:30  SMEs on the Rise 15:00  Bravo K-Scientist 15:30  Tripstargram 16:00  Arirang Special 16:30  Weekly News Highlights 17:00  Gugak the Music of Korea 18:00  Rewind It: I'm Live 18:30  Islands to Love 19:00  Foodie on Motorbike 19:30  SmartBiz Accelerators 20:00  SMEs on the Rise 20:30  Bravo K-Scientist 21:00  Playlist Up: Feel Like 11 22:00  Weekly News Highlights 22:30  Arirang Special 23:00  Simply K-Pop Con-Tour

TV Canal

Arirang TV

Arirang TV
South Korea

Arirang TV/Radio is a public service agency that spreads the uniqueness of Korea to the world through cutting-edge broadcasting mediums. Arirang TV/Radio is dedicated to the development of broadcasting, media, and the advertising industry, along with the advancement of culture and art. 아리랑국제방송은 한국을 대표하는 글로벌 방송으로서 전 세계를 대상으로 TV와 Radio를 통해 한국에 대한 국제 사회의 올바른 이해 증진과 지구촌을 더욱 가깝게 만드는 일에 힘쓰고 있습니다. 세계 여러 나라들과의 다양한 프로그램과 문화 교류를 통해 다른 문화를 이해하면서 우리의 모토인 "Korea for the World, the World for Korea"를 실현해 나가겠습니다.